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Emojipedia.org Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Emojipedia.org

Comprehensive analysis of Emojipedia.org's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #733 globally with 811,291 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

5 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Emojipedia.org

Emojipedia.org has built a robust backlink profile with 84,076 referring domains and 2,925,059 total backlinks. With 71.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


71.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Emojipedia.org ranks for 115,521 keywords in position #1, and 38,459 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 7 countries, with strongest performance in United States and India. This demonstrates Emojipedia.org's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Emojipedia.org

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
shutterstock.com 137,420 22.4 55,420
↑42,880 ↓31,242 New 50,350
adobe.com 112,495 23.0 54,067
↑36,823 ↓24,710 New 36,304
istockphoto.com 109,831 22.6 52,848
↑39,391 ↓24,485 New 30,738
freepik.com 106,431 30.0 34,685
↑34,292 ↓23,031 New 39,787
dreamstime.com 96,567 34.9 10,151
↑30,042 ↓23,697 New 37,132
alamy.com 91,436 37.0 6,635
↑26,872 ↓20,830 New 39,067
vecteezy.com 88,907 33.2 21,889
↑30,779 ↓20,923 New 30,384
vectorstock.com 77,456 34.2 15,055
↑24,872 ↓21,785 New 25,187
apple.com 77,045 36.1 19,814
↑17,331 ↓16,482 New 37,149

Top Keywords for Emojipedia.org

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
emojis of hearts /hearts 1 201,000 61,104 33 I $0.13
emoji laugh /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 3 I $0.03
emoji laugh with tears /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 16 I $0.03
emoji meanings / 1 165,000 50,160 21 I $0.52
face with tears of joy /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 17 C $0.03
face with tears of joy emoji /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 16 C $0.03
laugh crying emoji /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 44 I $0.03
laughter emoji /face-with-tears-of-joy 1 165,000 50,160 4 I $0.03
bawling emoji /loudly-crying-face 1 135,000 41,040 9 I $0.07
cries emoji /loudly-crying-face 1 135,000 41,040 10 I $0.07
nerd emojis /nerd-face 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.30
nerdy emojis /nerd-face 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $0.30
cn flag /flag-china 4 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.12
emoji thumbs up /thumbs-up 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.19
emojis skull /skull 1 110,000 33,440 9 I $0.09
skeleton head emoji /skull 1 110,000 33,440 10 I $0.09
thumbs up /thumbs-up 1 110,000 33,440 41 I $0.85
apple i logo /apple-logo 2 90,500 27,512 31 I $0.06
apple logó /apple-logo 2 90,500 27,512 28 I $0.06
poo poo emoji /pile-of-poo 1 74,000 22,496 7 I $0.07
poop emoji /pile-of-poo 1 74,000 22,496 8 I $0.07
side eyes emoji /eyes 1 74,000 22,496 9 I $0.19
emoji eyeballs /eyes 1 60,500 18,392 33 I $0.07
emojis eyes /eyes 1 60,500 18,392 33 I $0.07
kr flag /flag-south-korea 1 60,500 18,392 19 C $0.12
sad emojis /pensive-face 1 60,500 18,392 3 I $0.19
emojis new /new 1 49,500 15,048 31 I $0.17
smile emoji /smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes 1 49,500 15,048 15 I $0.14
apple logotype /apple-logo 3 90,500 14,661 31 I $0.06
anger emoji /angry-face 1 40,500 12,312 2 I $16.30
angry emoji /angry-face 1 40,500 12,312 3 I $16.30
emoji middle finger /middle-finger 1 40,500 12,312 8 I $0.18
emoji shocked /astonished-face 2 40,500 12,312 4 I $0.09
emoji thinker /thinking-face 1 40,500 12,312 0 I $
emoji thinking /thinking-face 1 40,500 12,312 2 I $
heart with outline /white-heart-suit 2 40,500 12,312 0 I $0.05
saluting emoji /saluting-face 1 40,500 12,312 3 I $0.31
sobbing emoji /loudly-crying-face 1 40,500 12,312 10 I $
br flag /flag-brazil 3 74,000 11,988 19 C $0.17
star emojis /star 2 74,000 11,988 39 I $0.21
copy paste love heart /red-heart 4 110,000 10,703 43 T $
heart sign copy and paste /red-heart 4 110,000 10,703 43 C $
emoji for prayers /folded-hands 2 33,100 10,062 5 I $
emoji rolling eyes /face-with-rolling-eyes 2 33,100 10,062 0 I $0.12
lip-biting emoji /biting-lip 1 33,100 10,062 0 I $
praying emojis /folded-hands 1 33,100 10,062 4 I $
sparkle emoji /sparkles 1 33,100 10,062 20 I $
whatsapp /whatsapp 61 4,090,000 8,589 84 N $1.06
celebratory emoji /party-popper 1 27,100 8,238 5 I $0.85
check sign emoji /check-mark 1 27,100 8,238 51 I $
copy paste emoji heart /red-heart 1 27,100 8,238 50 I $0.17
emoji with the heart eyes /smiling-face-with-heart-eyes 1 27,100 8,238 9 I $
emojis symbols /symbols 1 27,100 8,238 47 I $0.17
emojis wink /winking-face 1 27,100 8,238 7 N $
handshake emoji /handshake 1 27,100 8,238 4 I $2.50
kisses emoji /face-blowing-a-kiss 1 27,100 8,238 18 I $0.19
tick mark emoji /check-mark-button 1 27,100 8,238 31 I $
winky emoji /winking-face 1 27,100 8,238 6 I $
hands prayer /folded-hands 3 49,500 8,019 17 I $0.16
middle finger /middle-finger 7 165,000 7,738 48 I $0.50
heart cut and paste /red-heart 4 110,000 7,249 44 C $
heart shape copy paste /white-heart-suit 5 110,000 7,249 52 T $
hearts copy and paste /red-heart 5 110,000 7,249 50 N $
smiley face /smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes 5 110,000 7,249 38 I $0.28
pile of poop /pile-of-poo 4 74,000 7,200 0 I $0.07
shrug emoji /man-shrugging 4 74,000 7,200 15 I $19.39
caterpillar emoji /bug 1 22,200 6,748 0 I $0.17
cats emojis /cat 1 22,200 6,748 7 I $0.17
emoji cash /money-with-wings 1 22,200 6,748 18 I $0.34
emoji kitty /cat-face 1 22,200 6,748 14 I $0.17
emoji sad faces /pensive-face 1 22,200 6,748 6 I $0.02
emoji sunshine /sun 1 22,200 6,748 17 I $0.02
emojis for apple /apple 1 22,200 6,748 22 I $0.11
emojis money /money-with-wings 1 22,200 6,748 9 I $0.34
emojis scared /fearful-face 4 22,200 6,748 0 I $0.18
face smile emoji /smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes 1 22,200 6,748 22 C $0.17
pink of heart /pink-heart 1 22,200 6,748 5 I $0.16
prayer emoji hands /folded-hands 1 22,200 6,748 11 I $0.06
red heart /red-heart 1 22,200 6,748 30 C $0.19
shade emoji /smiling-face-with-sunglasses 1 22,200 6,748 5 I $0.16
smiley faces emoji /smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes 1 22,200 6,748 12 I $0.17
smirking emoji /smirking-face 1 22,200 6,748 4 I $
sun emojis /sun 1 22,200 6,748 16 I $0.02
sunglass emoji /smiling-face-with-sunglasses 1 22,200 6,748 0 C $0.16
sunlight emoji /sun 1 22,200 6,748 17 I $0.02
tiktok emoji codes /tiktok 1 22,200 6,748 3 I $
what does upside down happy face mean /upside-down-face 3 22,200 6,748 8 I $
what does upside-down smiley mean /upside-down-face 1 22,200 6,748 3 I $
white heart icon /white-heart-suit 2 22,200 6,748 13 C $0.20
white hearts /white-heart 2 22,200 6,748 20 C $0.20
happiness emojis /smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes 3 40,500 6,561 2 I $0.08
heart symbol outline /white-heart-suit 4 40,500 6,561 15 I $0.05
saddest emojis /sad 6 60,500 5,886 0 I $0.19
america flag emoji /flag-united-states 1 18,100 5,502 5 I $0.11
brinjal emoji /eggplant 1 18,100 5,502 4 I $0.01
checkmark green /check-mark-button 1 18,100 5,502 7 I $
christmas emojis /christmas 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $1.37
clown emojis /clown-face 1 18,100 5,502 0 I $0.23
devil emojis /smiling-face-with-horns 1 18,100 5,502 5 I $0.05
devilish emoji /smiling-face-with-horns 1 18,100 5,502 5 I $0.05

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Emojipedia.org?

Emojipedia.org ranks for 811,291 keywords, with 115,521 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "emojis of hearts" (201,000 monthly searches), "emoji laugh" (165,000 monthly searches), and "emoji laugh with tears" (165,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Emojipedia.org's strong presence in informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Emojipedia.org?

Analysis of Emojipedia.org's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 7 countries. The top markets include United States (3,487,569 monthly visitors), India (1,416,608 monthly visitors), and United Kingdom (1,249,483 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Emojipedia.org's international reach, with particularly strong performance in United States.

Who Are Emojipedia.org's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Emojipedia.org faces strong competition from emojipedia.org (251,050 shared keywords), shutterstock.com (137,420 shared keywords), and adobe.com (112,495 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in emojipedia.org and shutterstock.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 52.2 for its top competitor, Emojipedia.org maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Emojipedia.org's Search Engine Visibility?

Emojipedia.org's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 115,521 keywords in position #1 and 38,459 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 209,124 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Emojipedia.org's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 6,285,075 monthly visitors, Emojipedia.org demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in United States and India contributes to its global rank of #733. This traffic distribution, combined with 811,291 ranking keywords, positions Emojipedia.org as a significant player in the digital space.

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