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Bom.gov.au Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Bom.gov.au

Comprehensive analysis of Bom.gov.au's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #575 globally with 498,961 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

5 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Bom.gov.au

Bom.gov.au has built a robust backlink profile with 35,869 referring domains and 9,091,454 total backlinks. With 95.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


95.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Bom.gov.au ranks for 38,581 keywords in position #1, and 14,546 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in Australia and United Kingdom. This demonstrates Bom.gov.au's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Bom.gov.au

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
abc.net.au 97,539 49.4 9,434
↑17,910 ↓23,539 New 51,877
weatherzone.com.au 92,063 26.4 45,093
↑23,390 ↓21,278 New 19,470
willyweather.com.au 81,512 25.8 35,088
↑23,183 ↓21,682 New 18,325
accuweather.com 77,889 23.4 43,621
↑19,610 ↓19,418 New 16,701
nsw.gov.au 77,082 33.6 21,660
↑17,873 ↓18,355 New 31,076
9news.com.au 76,176 35.7 15,746
↑19,893 ↓21,996 New 26,975
tripadvisor.com.au 72,877 35.5 17,500
↑19,968 ↓22,846 New 23,711
timeanddate.com 69,201 24.6 26,654
↑21,126 ↓18,970 New 14,392
eldersweather.com.au 67,468 22.4 34,810
↑17,889 ↓15,021 New 17,066

Top Keywords for Bom.gov.au

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
weather http://www.bom.gov.au/ 1 6,120,000 1,860,480 100 N $0.59
bom http://www.bom.gov.au/ 1 2,740,000 832,960 23 I $0.75
bureau of meteorology http://www.bom.gov.au/ 1 2,740,000 832,960 24 N $0.75
weather tomorrow http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 1,830,000 556,320 65 N $1.05
bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 1,500,000 456,000 54 I $0.82
weather today melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 1,000,000 304,000 42 N $0.69
adelaide city weather http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 42 N $0.55
adelaide weather http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 36 N $0.55
australia adelaide weather http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 2 673,000 204,592 36 N $0.55
brisbane qld australia weather http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 36 N $0.75
forecast adelaide http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 38 I $0.55
forecast for brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 30 I $0.75
queensland brisbane weather http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 31 I $0.75
weather adelaide sa http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 37 I $0.55
weather brisbane queensland australia http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 35 N $0.75
weather for brisbane australia http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 33 N $0.75
weather for brisbane qld http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 32 N $0.75
weather forecast in adelaide http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 37 N $0.55
weather forecast in brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 34 N $0.75
weather in adelaide south australia http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 38 I $0.55
weather on brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 40 N $0.75
weather report adelaide http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 37 N $0.55
weather report for brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 673,000 204,592 34 N $0.75
brisbane bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 550,000 167,200 8 I $1.09
canberra city weather http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml 1 301,000 91,504 14 N $1.58
weather australia canberra http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml 1 301,000 91,504 22 N $1.58
weather canberra act http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml 1 301,000 91,504 19 I $1.58
weather canberra act australia http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml 2 301,000 91,504 18 N $1.58
weather for canberra http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml 1 301,000 91,504 15 N $1.58
b of meteorology melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 48 I $
bom melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 50 N $
bureau of meteorology melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 34 C $
bureau of meteorology melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/ 5 246,000 74,784 34 C $
bureau of meteorology melbourne australia http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 42 T $
bureau of meteorology melbourne radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 53 C $2.85
gold coast australia weather http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/surfers-paradise.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 23 N $0.42
gold coast weather weather http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/surfers-paradise.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 14 N $0.42
mel bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 25 I $2.85
melbourne bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 53 I $2.85
melbourne weather bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 37 I $2.85
queensland gold coast weather http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/surfers-paradise.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 13 N $0.42
today weather weather http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 55 N $1.03
weather gold coast qld australia http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/surfers-paradise.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 17 N $0.42
weather is today http://www.bom.gov.au/ 2 246,000 74,784 89 N $1.03
weather is today http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 89 N $1.03
weather qld gold coast http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/surfers-paradise.shtml 1 246,000 74,784 25 N $0.42
weatherzone melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml 4 1,000,000 65,900 48 N $0.69
bom qld radar gympie http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR082.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.23
bureau of meteorology adelaide http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 37 T $0.08
gympie bom radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR083.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 0 I $0.23
melbourne australia weather radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 10 I $0.69
melbourne weather forecast radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 33 I $0.69
meteorology radar melbourne http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 27 I $0.69
weather in melbourne radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 201,000 61,104 18 I $0.69
bom radar sydney http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 25 I $1.03
bom sydney rain radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 45 I $1.03
bom wa perth http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/forecasts/perth.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 26 I $0.52
bom weather sydney radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 45 I $1.03
brisbane australia weather radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 18 I $1.39
bureau of meteorology perth http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/forecasts/perth.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 30 T $0.52
bureau of meteorology radar sydney http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 49 T $1.03
melbourne australia radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 24 I $0.53
melbourne radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 53 I $0.53
rain radar brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 14 I $1.39
weather brisbane radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 17 I $1.39
weather forecast perth wa http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/forecasts/perth.shtml 1 165,000 50,160 31 N $0.74
weer sydney http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/sydney.shtml 3 450,000 43,785 28 I $0.78
ballarat weather http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 21 N $0.14
bom brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR663.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 39 N $
bureau of meteorology brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/ 9 135,000 41,040 35 C $
bureau of meteorology brisbane http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/brisbane.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 35 C $
geelong australia weather http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/geelong.shtml 2 135,000 41,040 12 N $0.67
geelong vic weather http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/geelong.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 12 I $0.67
geelong victoria weather http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/geelong.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 12 N $0.67
hobart weather http://www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts/hobart.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 16 N $0.55
radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 82 I $1.33
radar for rain http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 54 I $0.62
radar sydney http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 15 I $0.54
sydney australia radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 26 I $0.54
sydney australia weather radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 33 I $0.49
sydney nsw weather radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 33 I $0.49
sydney storm radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 28 I $0.49
temperature http://www.bom.gov.au/ 2 135,000 41,040 93 I $0.42
weather ballarat http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 9 N $0.14
weather ballarat australia http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 17 N $0.14
weather ballarat vic http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 8 I $0.14
weather forecast ballarat http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 18 N $0.14
weather hobart australia http://www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts/hobart.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 12 N $0.55
weather hobart tas http://www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts/hobart.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 33 N $0.55
weather hobart tasmania http://www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts/hobart.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 18 N $0.55
weather in ballarat victoria http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/ballarat.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 18 N $0.14
weather in sydney radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml 1 135,000 41,040 24 I $0.49
b o m weather http://www.bom.gov.au/ 1 110,000 33,440 18 N $0.77
bendigo weather vic http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/bendigo.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 7 I $0.55
bendigo weather victoria http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/bendigo.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 7 N $0.55
bom australia weather http://www.bom.gov.au/ 1 110,000 33,440 41 I $0.77
bom cairns radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR193.loop.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 5 I $
bom perth wa radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR703.loop.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 25 I $0.92
bom radar perth http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR703.loop.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 12 I $0.92
bom weather radar perth http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR703.loop.shtml 1 110,000 33,440 10 I $0.92

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Bom.gov.au?

Bom.gov.au ranks for 498,961 keywords, with 38,581 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "weather" (6,120,000 monthly searches), "bom" (2,740,000 monthly searches), and "bureau of meteorology" (2,740,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Bom.gov.au's strong presence in navigational and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Bom.gov.au?

Analysis of Bom.gov.au's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include Australia (43,998,022 monthly visitors), United Kingdom (610,931 monthly visitors), and India (296,008 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Bom.gov.au's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Australia.

Who Are Bom.gov.au's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Bom.gov.au faces strong competition from bom.gov.au (210,535 shared keywords), abc.net.au (97,539 shared keywords), and weatherzone.com.au (92,063 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in bom.gov.au and abc.net.au which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 38.7 for its top competitor, Bom.gov.au maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Bom.gov.au's Search Engine Visibility?

Bom.gov.au's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 38,581 keywords in position #1 and 14,546 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 87,944 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Bom.gov.au's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 7,914,062 monthly visitors, Bom.gov.au demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Australia and United Kingdom contributes to its global rank of #575. This traffic distribution, combined with 498,961 ranking keywords, positions Bom.gov.au as a significant player in the digital space.

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