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20minutes.fr Website Analysis

Website Statistics for 20minutes.fr

Comprehensive analysis of 20minutes.fr's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #942 globally with 2,656,451 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

5 months ago

Backlink Statistics for 20minutes.fr

20minutes.fr has built a robust backlink profile with 73,375 referring domains and 5,284,755 total backlinks. With 73.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


73.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

20minutes.fr ranks for 15,701 keywords in position #1, and 43,202 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 6 countries, with strongest performance in France and Canada. This demonstrates 20minutes.fr's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for 20minutes.fr

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
ouest-france.fr 1,379,729 34.4 326,758
↑319,528 ↓411,715 New 534,497
lefigaro.fr 1,196,168 37.6 222,232
↑281,313 ↓348,035 New 466,330
leparisien.fr 893,416 41.2 126,284
↑191,279 ↓254,477 New 399,637
francetvinfo.fr 861,614 38.3 146,443
↑195,968 ↓253,444 New 354,099
bfmtv.com 824,465 40.0 125,001
↑168,467 ↓235,222 New 378,353
lemonde.fr 742,815 40.1 156,107
↑180,468 ↓218,155 New 285,979
actu.fr 672,495 42.7 101,061
↑138,184 ↓190,576 New 305,159
dailymotion.com 656,843 46.5 67,844
↑136,965 ↓179,942 New 312,593
francebleu.fr 621,218 41.8 94,289
↑132,728 ↓180,481 New 272,573

Top Keywords for 20minutes.fr

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
facebook https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/facebook/ 5 37,200,000 1,744,680 61 N $0.68
you tub https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/youtube/ 6 37,200,000 1,257,360 58 C $0.20
actualite https://www.20minutes.fr/ 4 11,100,000 1,080,030 100 N $0.10
actu https://www.20minutes.fr/ 5 11,100,000 731,490 100 N $0.10
actualité https://www.20minutes.fr/ 5 11,100,000 731,490 100 N $0.10
20 mn https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 1,830,000 556,320 100 I $0.83
20minutes https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 1,830,000 556,320 100 I $0.83
ytb https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/youtube/ 12 37,200,000 279,000 22 I $0.20
amazon https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/amazon/ 13 30,400,000 276,640 84 N $0.02
horoscope d u jour https://www.20minutes.fr/horoscope/ 1 823,000 250,192 100 N $0.15
horoscope du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/horoscope/ 1 823,000 250,192 100 N $0.15
miss france 2024 https://www.20minutes.fr/television/miss_france/diaporama-4116298-images-miss-france-2025-visages-30-candidates-concours 4 1,220,000 197,640 24 I $
info https://www.20minutes.fr/ 4 1,830,000 178,059 100 I $0.05
actualite du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 2 550,000 167,200 100 N $0.13
fait divers https://www.20minutes.fr/faits_divers/ 2 550,000 167,200 59 I $0.13
youtube https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/youtube/ 21 37,200,000 122,760 61 N $0.20
info du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 3 673,000 109,026 100 N $0.08
actualités ce jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 3 550,000 89,100 100 N $0.13
actualités du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 3 550,000 89,100 100 N $0.13
bon coin https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/le_bon_coin 32 37,200,000 78,120 30 N $0.71
leboncoin https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/le_bon_coin 40 37,200,000 78,120 50 N $0.71
programme television https://www.20minutes.fr/television/programme_tv/ 78 37,200,000 78,120 100 I $0.37
meteo https://www.20minutes.fr/planete/4120384-20241108-meteo-herault-aude-places-vigilance-orange-orages-pluies-inondations 36 30,400,000 63,840 100 I $0.25
euro 2024 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/euro-2024/ 10 4,090,000 61,350 43 I $0.13
nike https://www.20minutes.fr/guide-achat/bon-plan-nike/ 9 2,240,000 57,344 19 C $0.11
netflix https://www.20minutes.fr/arts-stars/serie/4120016-20241108-mma-franck-gastambide-frappe-fort-cage-netflix 10 5,000,000 56,500 79 N $0.72
russie https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/russie/ 7 550,000 53,515 66 I $0.55
20 https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 165,000 50,160 65 C $0.09
information du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 3 301,000 48,762 100 N $0.07
infos du jour https://www.20minutes.fr/ 3 301,000 48,762 100 N $0.07
téléréalité https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/telerealite 4 301,000 48,762 4 I $0.24
google map https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/google_maps 18 11,100,000 47,730 46 N $0.25
grand frais https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/4120137-20241107-morceaux-verre-yaourts-grand-frais-lance-rappel-massif-toute-france 8 673,000 44,350 38 I $4.40
guerres ukraine https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/ukraine/ 5 673,000 44,350 68 I $0.04
gmail https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/gmail 31 20,400,000 42,840 66 I $0.41
traduire google https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/2743055-20200318-google-translate-peut-desormais-traduire-conversations-direct-huit-langues 41 20,400,000 42,840 32 N $0.18
instagram https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/instagram/ 15 7,480,000 41,888 100 N $0.13
vladimir poutine https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/vladimir_poutine/ 3 246,000 39,852 28 I $0.50
resultat legislative 2024 https://www.20minutes.fr/elections/resultats 4 550,000 36,245 70 I $0.71
tinder https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/tinder/ 8 1,000,000 33,800 25 N $1.60
bruno pelat https://www.20minutes.fr/arts-stars/culture/4112448-20240927-bruno-pelat-riche-heritier-compagnon-iris-mittenaere-soupconne-violences-conjugales 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $0.02
médaille au jo https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/jo_2024/4105654-20240814-jo-2024-tableau-complet-medailles-pays-athlete 1 110,000 33,440 19 C $0.66
lidl https://www.20minutes.fr/economie/lidl/ 23 6,120,000 26,316 76 N $0.08
meteo paris https://www.20minutes.fr/paris/4115565-20241015-meteo-paris-previsions-mardi-15-octobre-2024 17 6,120,000 26,316 75 I $0.29
quick https://www.20minutes.fr/economie/4087941-20240423-fast-food-dur-trois-ans-quick-veut-doubler-nombre-restaurants-france 9 550,000 25,795 45 C $0.06
tukif https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/3206535-20211228-pornographie-site-tukif-saisit-csa-apres-avoir-somme-bloquer-acces-mineurs 15 5,000,000 25,500 5 N $0.67
yt https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/youtube/ 13 3,350,000 25,125 57 I $0.08
pole emploi https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/pole-emploi 19 9,140,000 24,678 100 I $0.17
infos https://www.20minutes.fr/ 5 368,000 24,251 100 N $0.05
medaille jo 2024 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/jo_2024/4105654-20240814-jo-2024-tableau-complet-medailles-pays-athlete 9 1,220,000 24,034 10 T $0.18
ligue 1 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/ligue-1/ 30 11,100,000 23,310 67 I $9.23
twitter https://www.20minutes.fr/high-tech/twitter/ 14 4,090,000 22,904 65 N $0.41
dernieres infos https://www.20minutes.fr/ 2 74,000 22,496 100 N $0.11
code promotion zalando https://codepromo.20minutes.fr/code-promo/zalando 2 135,000 21,870 0 C $0.93
codes promos zalando https://codepromo.20minutes.fr/code-promo/zalando 3 135,000 21,870 0 C $0.93
israël guerre https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/israel/ 3 135,000 21,870 55 I $
puzzle gratuit https://www.20minutes.fr/services/jeux/puzzle 2 135,000 21,870 47 C $0.69
darty https://www.20minutes.fr/guide-achat/black-friday-guide-achat/4119559-20241108-darty-zoom-high-tech-electromenager-avant-premieres-black-friday 16 2,740,000 20,550 37 N $0.03
leroy merlin https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/leroy_merlin 21 6,120,000 20,196 49 I $0.38
matche ligue 1 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/football/ligue-1/calendrier/ 4 201,000 19,557 29 I $10.08
la banque postal https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/la_poste 81 9,140,000 19,194 65 N $0.12
programme tv ce soir https://programme-tv.20minutes.fr/ 33 9,140,000 19,194 100 I $0.18
programme télé ce soir https://programme-tv.20minutes.fr/ 36 9,140,000 19,194 100 N $0.18
programme télévision ce soir https://programme-tv.20minutes.fr/ 33 9,140,000 19,194 100 N $0.18
info dernieres minutes https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 60,500 18,392 100 N $0.07
info dernières minutes https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 60,500 18,392 100 N $0.07
infos dernieres minutes https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 60,500 18,392 100 N $0.07
moyen salaire france https://www.20minutes.fr/vie-pro/4083545-20240328-salaire-moyen-france-2024 1 60,500 18,392 20 I $
actu ukraine https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/ukraine/ 3 110,000 17,820 52 N $0.19
pates brisée https://lacuisinedannie.20minutes.fr/recette-pate-brisee-187.html 3 110,000 17,820 26 I $0.13
sncf grève https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/greve-sncf 4 110,000 17,820 26 N $
euromillion https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/euro_millions 11 1,500,000 16,950 38 I $0.71
matchs can https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/football/can/calendrier/ 4 246,000 16,211 14 N $0.09
pékin express https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/pekin_express 5 165,000 16,054 36 I $0.47
salma hayek https://www.20minutes.fr/arts-stars/people/4119178-20241103-salma-hayek-met-pression-garder-independance-financiere-vis-vis-mari 6 165,000 16,054 29 I $
yahoo https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/yahoo 32 7,480,000 15,708 59 N $0.59
bleus football https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/equipe-de-france-de-football/ 10 450,000 15,210 66 I $0.34
classement medailles jo https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/jo_2024/4105654-20240814-jo-2024-tableau-complet-medailles-pays-athlete 8 450,000 15,210 19 I $
emmanuel macron france https://www.20minutes.fr/politique/emmanuel-macron/ 10 450,000 15,210 77 N $0.11
20 mn jeux https://www.20minutes.fr/services/jeux 1 49,500 15,048 23 N $0.06
code promotion boulanger https://codepromo.20minutes.fr/code-promo/boulanger 1 49,500 15,048 2 C $0.67
codes promos boulanger https://codepromo.20minutes.fr/code-promo/boulanger 1 49,500 15,048 7 N $0.67
info dernière heure https://www.20minutes.fr/ 1 49,500 15,048 100 N $0.13
info ukraine russie dernière minute https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/ukraine/ 1 49,500 15,048 47 N $0.63
promo code boulanger https://codepromo.20minutes.fr/code-promo/boulanger 1 49,500 15,048 7 N $0.67
disparition https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/disparition 3 90,500 14,661 9 C $0.10
kombuchas https://www.20minutes.fr/tempo/4027333-20230311-quoi-kombucha-boisson-gazeuse-mode-base-the-fermente 3 90,500 14,661 0 C $0.26
tarte aux fraises https://lacuisinedannie.20minutes.fr/recette-tarte-aux-fraises-avec-creme-patissiere-413.html 3 90,500 14,661 0 C $0.09
tarte fraises https://lacuisinedannie.20minutes.fr/recette-tarte-aux-fraises-avec-creme-patissiere-413.html 3 90,500 14,661 0 I $0.09
tartes au fraises https://lacuisinedannie.20minutes.fr/recette-tarte-aux-fraises-avec-creme-patissiere-413.html 3 90,500 14,661 0 I $0.09
jean6jacques goldman https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/jean-jacques-goldman 8 301,000 14,116 26 I $0.12
télé réalité https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/telerealite 7 301,000 14,116 19 C $0.24
resultats ligue 1 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/football/ligue-1/resultat/ 9 673,000 13,258 67 I $3.76
tableau des médailles jo 2024 https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/jo_2024/4105654-20240814-jo-2024-tableau-complet-medailles-pays-athlete 10 673,000 13,258 18 I $
actualité toulouse https://www.20minutes.fr/toulouse/ 6 201,000 13,245 42 N $0.55
toulouse actualité https://www.20minutes.fr/toulouse/ 5 201,000 13,245 57 N $0.55
titi henry https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/thierry_henry/ 5 135,000 13,135 20 C $
credit agricole https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/4118767-20241031-lot-fermeture-plusieurs-agences-credit-agricole-quatre-parlementaires-mobilisent 62 6,120,000 12,852 66 I $0.65
leroy merlin france https://www.20minutes.fr/dossier/leroy_merlin 73 6,120,000 12,852 15 T $0.38
roland garros https://www.20minutes.fr/sport/roland-garros/ 17 2,240,000 12,544 67 I $0.85

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for 20minutes.fr?

20minutes.fr ranks for 2,656,451 keywords, with 15,701 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "facebook" (37,200,000 monthly searches), "you tub" (37,200,000 monthly searches), and "actualite" (11,100,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate 20minutes.fr's strong presence in navigational and commercial search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to 20minutes.fr?

Analysis of 20minutes.fr's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 6 countries. The top markets include France (22,072,469 monthly visitors), Canada (501,963 monthly visitors), and Morocco (224,773 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights 20minutes.fr's international reach, with particularly strong performance in France.

Who Are 20minutes.fr's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, 20minutes.fr faces strong competition from 20minutes.fr (2,126,485 shared keywords), ouest-france.fr (1,379,729 shared keywords), and lefigaro.fr (1,196,168 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in 20minutes.fr and ouest-france.fr which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 49.5 for its top competitor, 20minutes.fr maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is 20minutes.fr's Search Engine Visibility?

20minutes.fr's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 15,701 keywords in position #1 and 43,202 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 235,656 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is 20minutes.fr's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 4,886,366 monthly visitors, 20minutes.fr demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in France and Canada contributes to its global rank of #942. This traffic distribution, combined with 2,656,451 ranking keywords, positions 20minutes.fr as a significant player in the digital space.

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Organic Keywords: 567.0K


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